
My name is Iain Fullerlove and, among other things, I am a technical web application and website developer.

What I Do

I have been working in Information Technology for several decades, and developing web applications and websites since 1997. Most of my work in the last ten years has been on the .Net platform, using Blazor, C#, SQL Server databases, HTML5 and CSS. I definitely don't design websites . . . but I love working with people who can. I'm obsessive about developing database-driven applications and responsive websites that work beautifully across all platforms, from mobile phones and tablets to desktop computers.

I have previously run - and sold - my own web development company, and worked on a permanent or consultancy basis in IT support and programming for JP Morgan, Barclays Bank, BP and Reuters amoung others.


Who I Am

I live in Switzerland. When I'm not looking after my two young daughters, or providing technical support to my wife's internet-based travel businesses, I work as a freelance web application developer. My passions are kitesurfing and snowboarding.


My Work

Here is a very small selection of work I have done recently. Much of what I do (web application development) is not available for public viewing, but if you would like further details, please contact me.

Vietnam Bus Tickets
VietnamBusTickets.com is a commercial e-commerce site running in Blazor Server / C# and SQL Server on .Net 6. The site is completely database driven, with virtually all content generated dynamically at runtime from a SQL Server database. The site has full integration via APIs to the Stripe payment service.
Capacity Diagnosis & Development
CaDD.global is essentially a brochure site, which also acts as the gateway to CaDD Explorer - a sophisticated web-based tool with the capability to review the capacity of an organisation to cope with the challenges of climate change. After completion of an Explorer questionnaire, the user receives an automatically generated, detailed, multi-page report containing a full assessment of their climate-change challenges and readiness, with detailed recommendations for the organisation to follow to achieve successful adaptation. The application is used around the world by commercial organisations, NGOs and governments - it is multi-lingual.

The application runs on the .Net platform, written in C#, utilising multiple SQL Server databases. Access to the application is restricted, but can be provided on request.
Pure Vietnam Travel
Hermond Capital

Say Hi.

Get in touch by emailing me on ifullerlove@gmail.com